Pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a), of Regulation 2016/679:
to the processing of Personal Data for the purposes set out in point 3 lett. A) of the aforementioned privacy statement, that is for the processing of the Personal Data to be contacted back by the Controller and to receive an answer to the message sent to Fattoria La Leccia.
Pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. a), of Regulation 2016/679:
to the processing of Personal Data for the purposes of direct marketing as set out in point 3 lett. E) of the aforementioned privacy statement: a) to receive information and promotional material regarding goods and services and future promo-advertising activities by the Controller, also via post, e-mail and sms; b) to receive commercial communications and information, promotional and advertising material (e.g. brochures, catalogues, samples, e-mail, etc.), material relevant to marketing campaigns and events, to join market research through questionnaires, also via post, e-mail and sms containing information relevant to products, events or promotions; c) anonymously and/or pseudonymised, to join market research and statistical analysis on the methods and/or propensities to consume with the possible creation of profiles which refer to anonymous consumer groups defined by common characteristics (age groups, geographical area of residence, etc.); d) to be contacted back and updated regarding Fattoria La Leccia’s new initiatives by sending communications, special offers and promotional material or similar initiatives via post, e-mail and sms.